The Dance

By: Catherine Judd

Embodied souls

The narrative of creation

In a state of perfection– unfit to be alone.

A helper made fit 

Humanity’s mirror

It is hard to know until we see

At last, bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh

Adam and Eve

That first glance met

Eyes shimmering with the dawn of understanding 

So this. This is what I am.

I see, Lord, that togetherness was Your design all along

I was fashioned to be upheld

Lord, grant me the courage to let my steadiness falter 

That I may learn to rely on another

Intimate. Heavy. Life-giving. 


The dance between souls 

Togetherness– the linking of arms

Weary bodies spurring each other on 

And there, side by side, face to face

Scattered pieces received fully 

In the light of Christ-like love, brokenness made whole 

My gaze met 

A kind yet dim reflection of the way You see me 

The way You hold me

I am an embodied soul, unfit to be alone 

Lord, I need. 

The mystery of formation 

What an honor to hold position in the lives of Your children

My mother, Your daughter. My brother, Your son. 

The stranger, Your image-bearer 

Fleeting connection, lifelong fellowship.

Each a position with unique influence 

To leverage words and actions for truth 

Behold, the power of kindness

One influencing the narrative of another 

Togetherness– Your design all along 

What an honor to dance with another soul

Ordinary spaces become places of worship 

My mind lingers on family:

A covenant 

Gift. Opportunity. Responsibility.

Simple and profound

My soul, sanctified

These fellow travelers are my home. 

Growing together in the sacred monotony 

My sister, through your words, the Lord calls me higher

He calls me deeper– to live bent lower. 

And in your tears, my mother, the Lord calls to me, 

“Hold as I have held”

Yes, Father; I am prepared to hold your daughter steady.

But how quickly am I reminded I need just the same. 

For I look into eyes, and my glance traces down arms– 

Arms that have held me a thousand times before

How arduous yet sustaining is this dance between souls. 

And my father, as you lead with humility and protect in love, 

I thank you for your tears too

Through them, I grasp the Father’s tenderness and mercy.

And oh my sister, your joy and your boldness

How they draw me to the Lord’s fullness.

And my brother, my first and forever friend

Many chapters we have lived 

Through sorrow and rejoicing

Yet steady is the understanding of kindred minds.

The covenant of family holds love made real

In bearing with one another, glory is revealed

With full giving and full receiving, a new thing bursts forth

A metamorphosis of the soul

Lord, may I offer myself to the ones You have given to hold me


And what is a gift if not received?

May my arms be a place of warmth and refuge– 

Steady arms to carry the hurting underneath the shadow of Your wings

Receiving in grace, anointing with peace

May Your truth and Your grace be the bedrock of my love

May I see and allow myself to be seen

As Adam and Eve did in the beginning 

The dance between souls

A thing of beauty to behold

A soul unknown is a story untold

Lord, may I listen 

Grant me the courage to tell 

May I embrace this dance between souls.

Catherine Judd is a fourth year nursing student.

