An Augustine Collective journal of Christian thought based at the University of Virginia.
Cover photo courtesy of Thomas Laughridge, UVA ‘24
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bearings /ˈberiNGs/ (n) - finding direction amidst the chaos.
As a journal of Christian thought at the University of Virginia, we seek to provide an interdenominational and interdisciplinary forum for spiritual conversation on Grounds.
Our semesterly publication, Bearings, welcomes all voices and is intended to curate an open conversation characterized by thoughtful cultural engagement. Through this journal, we hope to create a space to both reflect on the deeper holiness of life amid a fast-paced student culture and to explore our sense of vocation as students, with the intent of discovering where we could sow the seeds of reinvention and reexamination to bear the fruit of resurrection life. The university is a space for getting one’s bearings, and so this journal intends to embrace the beauty in the very process of understanding the past, questioning the present, pushing toward the future, and bearing with each other in love through open dialogue.
We are a member of the Augustine Collective, a national independent network of Christian journals on college campuses, and will gladly accept submissions from any UVA undergraduate student.

“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.”
St. Augustine